The following letter was sent to community members from HOA President, Larry Hicks:

Greetings neighbors!

In response to last summer’s concern of the initial roof funding proposal, your Board has opted for an alternative approach. This ‘revenue-based’ approach includes an in-depth assessment of roof conditions, plus a detailed exploration of financial constraints, options, and alternatives. With community engagement and agreement, the goal is to develop and implement an affordable roof replacement strategy.

In November, your Board charged two committees, the Roofing Ad Ho Committee and the Finance Committee, with this effort. The work of both committees has been making great progress. We have been keeping the community informed and engaged through updates at your monthly Board meetings. These updates are available in each month’s Meeting Minutes. Those in attendance at these meeting will note that they have been provided opportunities to ask questions and offer input and feedback as the discussion advances.

We are now at a critical point in our discussions and decisions, and we encourage your continued engagement.

We wish to provide a summary of our efforts to date and have a community dialog on how we bring this to successful fruition. You will be receiving additional information on this important discussion, and I ask that you consider participating. In the end, the direction that we will take will be informed by and agreed upon by the community.

Please Participate, Make a Difference

On behalf of the entire Countryhouse Board of Directors, we are looking forward to an open, creative, insightful, and successful conversation.

I hope to see you there.

Larry Hicks, President
Countrvhouse HOA

HOLD THE DATE: Friday, March 24, 2023, 9:30 – noon, Gathering Place

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