Greetings Countryhouse HOA Homeowners and Members,

Last Friday morning, 85+ members of our community attended the Roofing Repair and Replacement Workshop. If you were unable to attend, chances are you know someone who was there. I ask that folks that were in attendance share their experience with others. Participants were updated on our current activities on developing and funding a roof repair and replacement program. This was followed by break-out workgroup table discussions on the series of questions that were previously distributed community wide.

The results of this exercise are being compiled, and the “SUMMARY REPORT ON THE ROOFING WORKSHOP” is expected to be available by our next board meeting on April 18, 2023. The SUMMARY REPORT will be distributed to all HOA owners/members by email, online, and in print shortly thereafter.

We accomplished a great deal, and people who participated in the workshop can attest to that. But there is still more to do. The roof inspection report is expected to be received by the Roofing Committee this coming week. They will prioritize replacement efforts based on the report findings. The Roofing Committee will share its recommendations with the Finance Committee, who will then develop the long-term financial model, similar to the example presented at the meeting. The findings and recommendations, guided by the information and recommendations gathered at the Roofing Workshop, will be presented to the community for further comment and recommendation.

While all of this is occurring, we will continue to maintain the integrity of our roofs, through our ongoing repair and replacement program. There is more to come. We will continue to use this three-pronged approach in all of our budget decisions; 1) seeking the facts and identifying the issues, 2) performing financial analysis and modeling, to determine the best fiscal approach, and most important, 3) determining the best options based on community input and guidance, to ensure we are addressing the objectives, desires, and concerns of the community.

Please remain engaged! We are all a critical part of our Countryhouse Homeowner’s Association. It’s your property, your investment, and your funds; we need you to tell us what to do.

Thank You!

Larry Hicks, President
Countryhouse HOA

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