Author: Web Editor

  • Announcing New AudioFetch WiFi Audio Streaming Technology at The Gathering Place

    The Fearrinton Village HOA has installed NEW TECHNOLOGY to enhance your hearing capability at The Gathering Place! AudioFetch WiFi Audio Streaming has been installed to deliver any program at The Gathering Place to your Bluetooth hearing aids or to your headphones or earphones. AudioFetch is the premium solution for local audio to smartphones and tablets over WiFi for unlimited uses. Here’s how to do it:

    1. Download the “AudioFetch” Application from the Apple App Store or from the Google Play Store to your Smart Device: iPhone, iPad, iPod, or any Android Phone or Tablet.

    The app is FREE. Once installed, follow the instruction in the app to activate.

    1. Log in to “The Gathering Place-Guest” network wifi once at The Gathering Place,
    • See WiFi instructions posted on the wall at the front of the Large Room.
    • Open Audio Fetch. It will automatically connect to the AudioFetch system.
    • If you need help doing what is described above, ask the meeting organizers, who will assist you.
    1. Use your Bluetooth Hearing Aids, Headphones, or Earphones to listen to the presentation.

    Make sure to charge your device’s batteries before coming to The Gathering Place. If your Smart Device does not deliver phone calls and music directly to your hearing aids, we suggest that you use Noise Canceling Headphones, Earphones, or AirPods because they will be able to block out unwanted room noise.

    The HOA is listening to you, is excited to bring this upgrade to The Gathering Place, and trusts you will enjoy the added hearing capabilities. We welcome any comments or questions concerning this new feature at Thank You!

  • Roofing Project: Community Gathering Invitation, March 24

    Invitation, Format & Objectives


    • A Countryhouse community gathering, open forum, workshops
    • On Friday, March 24, 2023, from 9:30am to Noon
    • At the Gathering Place, in Fearrington Village, NC


    • Intro, Update & presentation by the President of the HOA, 5 Minutes
    • Guidelines by the Workshop Manager of the HOA, 5 Minutes
    • Update & presentation by The Roofing Committee, 10 Minutes
    • Update & presentation by The Budget Committee, 10 Minutes
    • Eight Round Table Open Forum Work Groups, 50 Minutes
    • Break, Coffee, Beverages, Snacks, PB&J, Cookies & Milk, 10 Minutes
    • Questions & Comments Reports from the Eight Round Tables, 45 Minutes
    • Three Person Panel, Synopsis, Consensus, Issues to Resolve, 15 Minutes

    Objectives, New Paradigms

    • Provide owners an update on the Roof Repair and Replacement program.
    • Provide a summary of the efforts made and work accomplished by the Board, The Roofing Ad Hoc Committee and the Finance & Budget Committee.
    • Discuss the in-depth evaluations done of roof conditions, financial constraints and opportunities, options, and alternatives.
    • Inform the community about the current & upcoming discussions, dialogs,workshops, and encourage owner/stakeholders participation.
    • Encourage community engagement, input, and feedback so each owner can make informed decisions.
    • Achieve a successful outcome through an open, creative, insightful, and successful dialog based on listening to the 200 owner/stakeholders.
    • Develop and implement a frugal, rational, and affordable roof replacement strategy based on needs with community engagement and agreement.

    Why Attend?

    The purpose of this event is threefold: to update you on the progress of the Roofing Committee, to discuss the financial solutions we are investigating, and to seek your guidance as we finalize options. After a presentation by the President, and the Chairs of the Roofing and Budget committees, here are some of the key questions & issues we will be addressing:

    • Do you believe that roof replacement is the top priority for the community?
    • Do you believe that affordability should be a major consideration in any roof replacement proposal? How do you define ‘affordable’?
    • Are there specific worries or concerns relative to your own current situation that are causing vou the most stress or anxiety?
    • What would be the most effective and convenient way for us to maintain regular contact and keep you updated on the progress or developments of this project moving forward?

    Thank you for your time, attention, and participation.

    Please consider wearing a mask at Countyhouse community gatherings as a precaution to help ensure the well-being of elderly or immunocompromised residents.

    Thank you!

  • Roof Repair and Replacement Update

    The following letter was sent to community members from HOA President, Larry Hicks:

    Greetings neighbors!

    In response to last summer’s concern of the initial roof funding proposal, your Board has opted for an alternative approach. This ‘revenue-based’ approach includes an in-depth assessment of roof conditions, plus a detailed exploration of financial constraints, options, and alternatives. With community engagement and agreement, the goal is to develop and implement an affordable roof replacement strategy.

    In November, your Board charged two committees, the Roofing Ad Ho Committee and the Finance Committee, with this effort. The work of both committees has been making great progress. We have been keeping the community informed and engaged through updates at your monthly Board meetings. These updates are available in each month’s Meeting Minutes. Those in attendance at these meeting will note that they have been provided opportunities to ask questions and offer input and feedback as the discussion advances.

    We are now at a critical point in our discussions and decisions, and we encourage your continued engagement.

    We wish to provide a summary of our efforts to date and have a community dialog on how we bring this to successful fruition. You will be receiving additional information on this important discussion, and I ask that you consider participating. In the end, the direction that we will take will be informed by and agreed upon by the community.

    Please Participate, Make a Difference

    On behalf of the entire Countryhouse Board of Directors, we are looking forward to an open, creative, insightful, and successful conversation.

    I hope to see you there.

    Larry Hicks, President
    Countrvhouse HOA

    HOLD THE DATE: Friday, March 24, 2023, 9:30 – noon, Gathering Place

  • Countryhouse Close Ambassadors

    The Eleven Countryhouse Close Ambassadors are the vital link between our Fearrington Village Countryhouse community and the organizations responsible for its development and management. This role entails effective communication, relationship-building with stakeholders, advocacy for all parties, outreach to diverse groups, event coordination, problem-solving, and community development support.

    Communication: Ambassadors relay information between the organizations and
    community members, communicating their needs and concerns.

    Relationship Building: Ambassadors build strong relationships with community leaders, owners, renters, the HOA Board, Committees, Close Contacts, and

    Advocacy: Ambassadors advocate for the people and organizations within the
    community, promoting their interests and finding common ground.

    Outreach: Ambassadors reach out to diverse groups within the community and
    bridge gaps between them and the organization.

    Event Coordination: Ambassadors organize events that bring together the
    organization and the community.

    Problem-Solving: Ambassadors identify issues and problems in the community
    and work with the organization to find solutions.

    Community Development: Ambassadors support community growth by identifying opportunities and working with the organization to contribute to the
    community’s well-being.

    A Countryhouse Close Ambassador builds relationships, advocates for the community, helps coordinate events, solve problems, and supports community development. By fostering positive relationships and communication among all parties, they make a positive contribution to our Fearrington Village Countryhouse community.

    Map showing Countryhouse kiosk locations

    Map of Countryhouse Closes

    The Eleven Countryhouse Closes are:

    • Baneberry Close
    • Beechmast
    • Brampton Close
    • Crossvine Close
    • Linden Close
    • Lyndfield Close
    • Sycamore Close
    • Weymouth Close,
    • Whisperwood Close
    • Wintercrest East
    • Wintercrest West

    If you would like to volunteer to be a Countryhouse Close Ambassador, please contact: Tom O’Connell at (561) 901-5994.