The Countryhouse HOA conducted a communications survey to understand residents’ preferences and improve existing communication methods, with 87 responses.
at Fearrington Village
The Countryhouse HOA conducted a communications survey to understand residents’ preferences and improve existing communication methods, with 87 responses.
For the benefit of both those in attendance and those who were unable to attend, the Community Discussion Summary attempts to summarize the presentations and discussion, and includes responses to many questions offered by the participants. In addition, this document provides an update of our progress to date and an outline of our remaining steps.
Greetings Countryhouse HOA Homeowners and Members,
Last Friday morning, 85+ members of our community attended the Roofing Repair and Replacement Workshop. If you were unable to attend, chances are you know someone who was there. I ask that folks that were in attendance share their experience with others. Participants were updated on our current activities on developing and funding a roof repair and replacement program. This was followed by break-out workgroup table discussions on the series of questions that were previously distributed community wide.
The results of this exercise are being compiled, and the “SUMMARY REPORT ON THE ROOFING WORKSHOP” is expected to be available by our next board meeting on April 18, 2023. The SUMMARY REPORT will be distributed to all HOA owners/members by email, online, and in print shortly thereafter.
We accomplished a great deal, and people who participated in the workshop can attest to that. But there is still more to do. The roof inspection report is expected to be received by the Roofing Committee this coming week. They will prioritize replacement efforts based on the report findings. The Roofing Committee will share its recommendations with the Finance Committee, who will then develop the long-term financial model, similar to the example presented at the meeting. The findings and recommendations, guided by the information and recommendations gathered at the Roofing Workshop, will be presented to the community for further comment and recommendation.
While all of this is occurring, we will continue to maintain the integrity of our roofs, through our ongoing repair and replacement program. There is more to come. We will continue to use this three-pronged approach in all of our budget decisions; 1) seeking the facts and identifying the issues, 2) performing financial analysis and modeling, to determine the best fiscal approach, and most important, 3) determining the best options based on community input and guidance, to ensure we are addressing the objectives, desires, and concerns of the community.
Please remain engaged! We are all a critical part of our Countryhouse Homeowner’s Association. It’s your property, your investment, and your funds; we need you to tell us what to do.
Thank You!
Larry Hicks, President
Countryhouse HOA
To help our community develop and manage this program, The Countryhouse HOA has recruited an organization development specialist: Daisha Gaines.
Daisha Gaines
Organizer, Coordinator & Lead Facilitator for the March 24th Countryhouse HOA Workshop
Since May 2019, Daisha has been the Organizational Development Manager at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In that role, she develops and improves enterprise-level initiatives by partnering with various departments to assess, research, design, deliver, and evaluate organization development solutions in areas of strategic planning, assessments, change management, team development, performance improvement, team retreats, and leadership development.
In that role, she also:
Daisha is a proactive and dedicated professional who promotes leadership principles focusing on employee development, enhancing morale, boosting personnel retention and productivity rates, and streamlining policies and procedures. With extensive experience in both the corporate sector and non-profit educational institutions, she brings a diverse skill set to any group. She has worked for a Fortune 500 publicly traded corporation and served as a staff and faculty member in a non-profit public educational institution.
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Masters, Instructional Technology – Concentration in Business & Industry
University of North Carolina at Pembroke
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
UNC Pembroke
Bachelors, Business Management
The following email was sent from the Countryhouse HOA Board of Directors:
Subject: An Important E-Mail Message From The Countryhouse HOA Board of Directors.
If you have already signed up to be “Table Facilitator” or “Table Reporter” at Friday’s workshop, Thank You. This is also a reminder we will see you Friday at 8:15 AM at the Gathering Place for Orientation if you have not already received your orientation.
If you have not already volunteered, let us know if you will be able to volunteer for one role or another in case we need your help on Friday. In all, we need eight volunteers to be “Table Facilitator” and eight volunteers to be “Table Reporter” at Friday’s workshop, and we are missing a few brave folks to fill those roles.
You are receiving this because you are a board member, committee member, area or block contact at Countryhouse, or you have filled out the volunteer form we sent out recently.
To make sure we meet, greet, and orient the 16 folks filling those roles on Friday, please send an email with your name and cell phone number to all three of the coordinators.
Thank you, and best regards,
The Countryhouse HOA Board of Directors
The role of a table facilitator is to guide the group through the process of achieving its objectives, while promoting collaboration, participation, and creativity. Facilitators aim to create a safe and inclusive space where all participants feel comfortable sharing their ideas and perspectives. The following are some specific tasks and responsibilities:
Overall, the role of a table facilitator is to help participants achieve their objectives in a collaborative and productive manner, while promoting a positive and inclusive learning environment.
The role of a table reporter in a workshop is to record the discussions and ideas generated by the group at their table during a workshop or meeting. The table reporter is responsible for capturing key points, ideas, and recommendations from the group’s discussion and sharing them with the larger group or workshop facilitator. The following are some specific tasks and responsibilities of a table reporter:
Overall, the role of a table reporter is to help ensure that the ideas and recommendations generated by the group are accurately captured and shared with the larger group or workshop facilitator. This role is important for ensuring that the workshop is productive and that the group’s ideas and recommendations can be used to inform future actions or decisions.
The Fearrinton Village HOA has installed NEW TECHNOLOGY to enhance your hearing capability at The Gathering Place! AudioFetch WiFi Audio Streaming has been installed to deliver any program at The Gathering Place to your Bluetooth hearing aids or to your headphones or earphones. AudioFetch is the premium solution for local audio to smartphones and tablets over WiFi for unlimited uses. Here’s how to do it:
The app is FREE. Once installed, follow the instruction in the app to activate.
Make sure to charge your device’s batteries before coming to The Gathering Place. If your Smart Device does not deliver phone calls and music directly to your hearing aids, we suggest that you use Noise Canceling Headphones, Earphones, or AirPods because they will be able to block out unwanted room noise.
The HOA is listening to you, is excited to bring this upgrade to The Gathering Place, and trusts you will enjoy the added hearing capabilities. We welcome any comments or questions concerning this new feature at Thank You!
The purpose of this event is threefold: to update you on the progress of the Roofing Committee, to discuss the financial solutions we are investigating, and to seek your guidance as we finalize options. After a presentation by the President, and the Chairs of the Roofing and Budget committees, here are some of the key questions & issues we will be addressing:
Thank you for your time, attention, and participation.
Please consider wearing a mask at Countyhouse community gatherings as a precaution to help ensure the well-being of elderly or immunocompromised residents.
Thank you!
The following letter was sent to community members from HOA President, Larry Hicks:
Greetings neighbors!
In response to last summer’s concern of the initial roof funding proposal, your Board has opted for an alternative approach. This ‘revenue-based’ approach includes an in-depth assessment of roof conditions, plus a detailed exploration of financial constraints, options, and alternatives. With community engagement and agreement, the goal is to develop and implement an affordable roof replacement strategy.
In November, your Board charged two committees, the Roofing Ad Ho Committee and the Finance Committee, with this effort. The work of both committees has been making great progress. We have been keeping the community informed and engaged through updates at your monthly Board meetings. These updates are available in each month’s Meeting Minutes. Those in attendance at these meeting will note that they have been provided opportunities to ask questions and offer input and feedback as the discussion advances.
We are now at a critical point in our discussions and decisions, and we encourage your continued engagement.
We wish to provide a summary of our efforts to date and have a community dialog on how we bring this to successful fruition. You will be receiving additional information on this important discussion, and I ask that you consider participating. In the end, the direction that we will take will be informed by and agreed upon by the community.
Please Participate, Make a Difference
On behalf of the entire Countryhouse Board of Directors, we are looking forward to an open, creative, insightful, and successful conversation.
I hope to see you there.
Larry Hicks, President
Countrvhouse HOAHOLD THE DATE: Friday, March 24, 2023, 9:30 – noon, Gathering Place
at Fearrington Village
News and information for the Countryhouse community at Fearrington Village in Pittsboro, North Carolina.
Managed by Mill House Properties